11 mayo 2006


Come on now, you've dreamed about it, stuck in your cubicle or in traffic, wading through the work week toward a paycheck. How many times has it occurred to you that there could be another way besides the daily grind? In The Book, Buddhist scholar Alan Watts discusses the ways in which we Westerners run circles in our own lives. Our educations indoctrinate us, and we learn to bow to the pressures of the status quo at a young age. It's no doubt that we carry these lessons into adulthood, becoming good little consumers who retire with, as Watts sarcastically remarks, sore joints and backs, unable to enjoy the "golden years" and the fruits of our labors. So ask yourself: What would life be like if we all followed our passions?

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Anonymous Anónimo said...

a total mess ;-)

6:26 p. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

1:58 p. m.  

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